This tweening function is a more powerful version of tween_appear()
, with
support for newer features such as enter/exits and tween phase
identification. The tweener treats each row in the data as unique events in
time, and creates frames with the correct events present at any given time.
end = NULL,
range = NULL,
enter = NULL,
exit = NULL,
enter_length = 0,
exit_length = 0
A data.frame with components at different stages
The easing function to use. Either a single string or one for each column in the data set.
The number of frames to calculate for the tween
The start (and potential end) of the event encoded in the
row, as unquoted expressions. Will be evaluated in the context of .data
can refer to columns in it. If end = NULL
the event will be without extend
and only visible in a single frame, unless enter
and/or exit
is given.
The range of time points to include in the tween. If NULL
will use the range of time
functions that calculate a start state for new observations
that appear in to
or an end state for observations that are not present in
the new/old observations will not be part of the tween. The
function gets a data.frame with either the start state of the exiting
observations, or the end state of the entering observations and must return
a modified version of that data.frame. See the Match, Enter, and Exit
section for more information.
The lenght of the opening and closing
transitions if enter
and/or exit
is given. Measured in the same units as
A data.frame with the same columns as .data
along with .id
the component id, .phase
giving the state of each component in each frame,
and .frame
giving the frame membership of each row.
Other data.frame tween:
d <- data.frame(
x = runif(20),
y = runif(20),
time = runif(20),
duration = runif(20, max = 0.1)
from_left <- function(x) {
x$x <- -0.5
to_right <- function(x) {
x$x <- 1.5
tween_events(d, 'cubic-in-out', 50, start = time, end = time + duration,
enter = from_left, exit = to_right, enter_length = 0.1,
exit_length = 0.05)
#> x y time duration .id .phase .frame
#> 146 -0.500000000 0.63454427 0.02387676 0.098154185 16 enter 1
#> 147 -0.461180695 0.63454427 0.02387676 0.098154185 16 enter 2
#> 32 -0.500000000 0.51680410 0.06994552 0.089730441 4 enter 3
#> 148 -0.189445560 0.63454427 0.02387676 0.098154185 16 enter 3
#> 33 -0.447223186 0.51680410 0.06994552 0.089730441 4 enter 4
#> 149 0.082289575 0.63454427 0.02387676 0.098154185 16 enter 4
#> 23 -0.500000000 0.45185844 0.10904879 0.043571816 3 enter 5
#> 34 -0.077785485 0.51680410 0.06994552 0.089730441 4 enter 5
#> 150 0.121108880 0.63454427 0.02387676 0.098154185 16 static 5
#> 24 -0.412631093 0.45185844 0.10904879 0.043571816 3 enter 6
#> 35 0.291652216 0.51680410 0.06994552 0.089730441 4 enter 6
#> 77 -0.500000000 0.43052065 0.14871035 0.051096488 9 enter 6
#> 151 0.121108880 0.63454427 0.02387676 0.098154185 16 static 6
#> 25 0.198951253 0.45185844 0.10904879 0.043571816 3 enter 7
#> 36 0.344429031 0.51680410 0.06994552 0.089730441 4 static 7
#> 78 -0.461684531 0.43052065 0.14871035 0.051096488 9 enter 7
#> 152 0.121108880 0.63454427 0.02387676 0.098154185 16 static 7
#> 26 0.810533599 0.45185844 0.10904879 0.043571816 3 enter 8
#> 37 0.344429031 0.51680410 0.06994552 0.089730441 4 static 8
#> 79 -0.193476250 0.43052065 0.14871035 0.051096488 9 enter 8
#> 96 -0.500000000 0.45112033 0.20123842 0.024177609 11 enter 8
#> 153 0.121108880 0.63454427 0.02387676 0.098154185 16 static 8
#> 1 -0.500000000 0.66589079 0.22511539 0.092027580 1 enter 9
#> 27 0.897902506 0.45185844 0.10904879 0.043571816 3 static 9
#> 38 0.344429031 0.51680410 0.06994552 0.089730441 4 static 9
#> 80 0.074732032 0.43052065 0.14871035 0.051096488 9 enter 9
#> 97 -0.463261351 0.45112033 0.20123842 0.024177609 11 enter 9
#> 154 0.121108880 0.63454427 0.02387676 0.098154185 16 raw 9
#> 2 -0.476393672 0.66589079 0.22511539 0.092027580 1 enter 10
#> 28 0.897902506 0.45185844 0.10904879 0.043571816 3 static 10
#> 39 0.344429031 0.51680410 0.06994552 0.089730441 4 static 10
#> 81 0.113047501 0.43052065 0.14871035 0.051096488 9 static 10
#> 98 -0.206090808 0.45112033 0.20123842 0.024177609 11 enter 10
#> 155 0.810554440 0.63454427 0.02387676 0.098154185 16 exit 10
#> 3 -0.311149379 0.66589079 0.22511539 0.092027580 1 enter 11
#> 29 0.897902506 0.45185844 0.10904879 0.043571816 3 raw 11
#> 40 0.344429031 0.51680410 0.06994552 0.089730441 4 raw 11
#> 60 -0.500000000 0.73122915 0.25920274 0.053863312 7 enter 11
#> 82 0.113047501 0.43052065 0.14871035 0.051096488 9 static 11
#> 99 0.354173590 0.45112033 0.20123842 0.024177609 11 enter 11
#> 156 1.500000000 0.63454427 0.02387676 0.098154185 16 exit 11
#> 4 0.048847117 0.66589079 0.22511539 0.092027580 1 enter 12
#> 30 1.198951253 0.45185844 0.10904879 0.043571816 3 exit 12
#> 41 0.922214515 0.51680410 0.06994552 0.089730441 4 exit 12
#> 61 -0.415472976 0.73122915 0.25920274 0.053863312 7 enter 12
#> 83 0.113047501 0.43052065 0.14871035 0.051096488 9 static 12
#> 100 0.611344133 0.45112033 0.20123842 0.024177609 11 enter 12
#> 5 0.214091410 0.66589079 0.22511539 0.092027580 1 enter 13
#> 31 1.500000000 0.45185844 0.10904879 0.043571816 3 exit 13
#> 42 1.500000000 0.51680410 0.06994552 0.089730441 4 exit 13
#> 62 0.176216188 0.73122915 0.25920274 0.053863312 7 enter 13
#> 84 0.113047501 0.43052065 0.14871035 0.051096488 9 raw 13
#> 101 0.648082782 0.45112033 0.20123842 0.024177609 11 static 13
#> 6 0.237697738 0.66589079 0.22511539 0.092027580 1 static 14
#> 63 0.767905353 0.73122915 0.25920274 0.053863312 7 enter 14
#> 85 0.806523750 0.43052065 0.14871035 0.051096488 9 exit 14
#> 102 0.648082782 0.45112033 0.20123842 0.024177609 11 raw 14
#> 7 0.237697738 0.66589079 0.22511539 0.092027580 1 static 15
#> 64 0.852432376 0.73122915 0.25920274 0.053863312 7 static 15
#> 86 1.500000000 0.43052065 0.14871035 0.051096488 9 exit 15
#> 103 1.074041391 0.45112033 0.20123842 0.024177609 11 exit 15
#> 8 0.237697738 0.66589079 0.22511539 0.092027580 1 static 16
#> 65 0.852432376 0.73122915 0.25920274 0.053863312 7 static 16
#> 104 1.500000000 0.45112033 0.20123842 0.024177609 11 exit 16
#> 9 0.237697738 0.66589079 0.22511539 0.092027580 1 raw 17
#> 66 0.852432376 0.73122915 0.25920274 0.053863312 7 raw 17
#> 10 0.424705480 0.66589079 0.22511539 0.092027580 1 exit 18
#> 67 1.176216188 0.73122915 0.25920274 0.053863312 7 exit 18
#> 183 -0.500000000 0.52870927 0.43278817 0.008183302 20 enter 18
#> 11 1.312992257 0.66589079 0.22511539 0.092027580 1 exit 19
#> 68 1.500000000 0.73122915 0.25920274 0.053863312 7 exit 19
#> 184 -0.466598173 0.52870927 0.43278817 0.008183302 20 enter 19
#> 12 1.500000000 0.66589079 0.22511539 0.092027580 1 exit 20
#> 185 -0.232785383 0.52870927 0.43278817 0.008183302 20 enter 20
#> 186 0.001027406 0.52870927 0.43278817 0.008183302 20 enter 21
#> 187 0.034429233 0.52870927 0.43278817 0.008183302 20 static 22
#> 188 0.034429233 0.52870927 0.43278817 0.008183302 20 raw 23
#> 189 0.767214617 0.52870927 0.43278817 0.008183302 20 exit 24
#> 175 -0.500000000 0.65111864 0.60003734 0.022002471 19 enter 25
#> 190 1.500000000 0.52870927 0.43278817 0.008183302 20 exit 25
#> 176 -0.430494826 0.65111864 0.60003734 0.022002471 19 enter 26
#> 87 -0.500000000 0.14540735 0.64068048 0.054379269 10 enter 27
#> 177 0.056041393 0.65111864 0.60003734 0.022002471 19 enter 27
#> 53 -0.500000000 0.88093309 0.65832223 0.012811576 6 enter 28
#> 88 -0.408108608 0.14540735 0.64068048 0.054379269 10 enter 28
#> 178 0.542577612 0.65111864 0.60003734 0.022002471 19 enter 28
#> 54 -0.423056022 0.88093309 0.65832223 0.012811576 6 enter 29
#> 89 0.235131140 0.14540735 0.64068048 0.054379269 10 enter 29
#> 179 0.612082787 0.65111864 0.60003734 0.022002471 19 static 29
#> 55 0.115551823 0.88093309 0.65832223 0.012811576 6 enter 30
#> 90 0.878370887 0.14540735 0.64068048 0.054379269 10 enter 30
#> 180 0.612082787 0.65111864 0.60003734 0.022002471 19 raw 30
#> 56 0.654159667 0.88093309 0.65832223 0.012811576 6 enter 31
#> 91 0.970262280 0.14540735 0.64068048 0.054379269 10 static 31
#> 105 -0.500000000 0.57878149 0.74362132 0.080314412 12 enter 31
#> 181 1.056041393 0.65111864 0.60003734 0.022002471 19 exit 31
#> 57 0.731103645 0.88093309 0.65832223 0.012811576 6 raw 32
#> 92 0.970262280 0.14540735 0.64068048 0.054379269 10 static 32
#> 106 -0.465245435 0.57878149 0.74362132 0.080314412 12 enter 32
#> 182 1.500000000 0.65111864 0.60003734 0.022002471 19 exit 32
#> 43 -0.500000000 0.67661080 0.77764551 0.076901352 5 enter 33
#> 58 1.115551823 0.88093309 0.65832223 0.012811576 6 exit 33
#> 93 0.970262280 0.14540735 0.64068048 0.054379269 10 raw 33
#> 107 -0.221963478 0.57878149 0.74362132 0.080314412 12 enter 33
#> 157 -0.500000000 0.13662858 0.79537771 0.035418673 17 enter 33
#> 44 -0.421196361 0.67661080 0.77764551 0.076901352 5 enter 34
#> 59 1.500000000 0.88093309 0.65832223 0.012811576 6 exit 34
#> 94 1.235131140 0.14540735 0.64068048 0.054379269 10 exit 34
#> 108 0.021318478 0.57878149 0.74362132 0.080314412 12 enter 34
#> 137 -0.500000000 0.54922071 0.80341257 0.051474456 15 enter 34
#> 158 -0.429411468 0.13662858 0.79537771 0.035418673 17 enter 34
#> 45 0.130429115 0.67661080 0.77764551 0.076901352 5 enter 35
#> 95 1.500000000 0.14540735 0.64068048 0.054379269 10 exit 35
#> 109 0.056073043 0.57878149 0.74362132 0.080314412 12 static 35
#> 116 -0.500000000 0.07041712 0.84763743 0.094791372 13 enter 35
#> 138 -0.430606274 0.54922071 0.80341257 0.051474456 15 enter 35
#> 159 0.064708254 0.13662858 0.79537771 0.035418673 17 enter 35
#> 46 0.682054590 0.67661080 0.77764551 0.076901352 5 enter 36
#> 110 0.056073043 0.57878149 0.74362132 0.080314412 12 static 36
#> 117 -0.468859613 0.07041712 0.84763743 0.094791372 13 enter 36
#> 128 -0.500000000 0.74232618 0.85363587 0.040736135 14 enter 36
#> 139 0.055149811 0.54922071 0.80341257 0.051474456 15 enter 36
#> 160 0.558827976 0.13662858 0.79537771 0.035418673 17 enter 36
#> 47 0.760858230 0.67661080 0.77764551 0.076901352 5 static 37
#> 111 0.056073043 0.57878149 0.74362132 0.080314412 12 static 37
#> 118 -0.250876903 0.07041712 0.84763743 0.094791372 13 enter 37
#> 129 -0.450335937 0.74232618 0.85363587 0.040736135 14 enter 37
#> 140 0.540905896 0.54922071 0.80341257 0.051474456 15 enter 37
#> 161 0.629416508 0.13662858 0.79537771 0.035418673 17 static 37
#> 166 -0.500000000 0.93023350 0.88655051 0.045584015 18 enter 37
#> 48 0.760858230 0.67661080 0.77764551 0.076901352 5 static 38
#> 69 -0.500000000 0.39861982 0.91833784 0.012901623 8 enter 38
#> 112 0.056073043 0.57878149 0.74362132 0.080314412 12 static 38
#> 119 0.224013999 0.07041712 0.84763743 0.094791372 13 enter 38
#> 130 -0.102687493 0.74232618 0.85363587 0.040736135 14 enter 38
#> 141 0.610299622 0.54922071 0.80341257 0.051474456 15 static 38
#> 162 0.629416508 0.13662858 0.79537771 0.035418673 17 static 38
#> 167 -0.424252794 0.93023350 0.88655051 0.045584015 18 enter 38
#> 49 0.760858230 0.67661080 0.77764551 0.076901352 5 static 39
#> 70 -0.452773823 0.39861982 0.91833784 0.012901623 8 enter 39
#> 113 0.056073043 0.57878149 0.74362132 0.080314412 12 raw 39
#> 120 0.441996709 0.07041712 0.84763743 0.094791372 13 enter 39
#> 131 0.244960950 0.74232618 0.85363587 0.040736135 14 enter 39
#> 142 0.610299622 0.54922071 0.80341257 0.051474456 15 static 39
#> 163 0.629416508 0.13662858 0.79537771 0.035418673 17 raw 39
#> 168 0.105977651 0.93023350 0.88655051 0.045584015 18 enter 39
#> 50 0.760858230 0.67661080 0.77764551 0.076901352 5 raw 40
#> 71 -0.122190582 0.39861982 0.91833784 0.012901623 8 enter 40
#> 114 0.778036522 0.57878149 0.74362132 0.080314412 12 exit 40
#> 121 0.473137096 0.07041712 0.84763743 0.094791372 13 static 40
#> 132 0.294625013 0.74232618 0.85363587 0.040736135 14 static 40
#> 143 0.610299622 0.54922071 0.80341257 0.051474456 15 raw 40
#> 164 1.064708254 0.13662858 0.79537771 0.035418673 17 exit 40
#> 169 0.636208096 0.93023350 0.88655051 0.045584015 18 enter 40
#> 13 -0.500000000 0.65296728 0.98326687 0.061601443 2 enter 41
#> 51 1.130429115 0.67661080 0.77764551 0.076901352 5 exit 41
#> 72 0.598008622 0.39861982 0.91833784 0.012901623 8 enter 41
#> 115 1.500000000 0.57878149 0.74362132 0.080314412 12 exit 41
#> 122 0.473137096 0.07041712 0.84763743 0.094791372 13 static 41
#> 133 0.294625013 0.74232618 0.85363587 0.040736135 14 static 41
#> 144 1.055149811 0.54922071 0.80341257 0.051474456 15 exit 41
#> 165 1.500000000 0.13662858 0.79537771 0.035418673 17 exit 41
#> 170 0.711955303 0.93023350 0.88655051 0.045584015 18 static 41
#> 14 -0.432585572 0.65296728 0.98326687 0.061601443 2 enter 42
#> 52 1.500000000 0.67661080 0.77764551 0.076901352 5 exit 42
#> 73 0.928591863 0.39861982 0.91833784 0.012901623 8 enter 42
#> 123 0.473137096 0.07041712 0.84763743 0.094791372 13 static 42
#> 134 0.294625013 0.74232618 0.85363587 0.040736135 14 raw 42
#> 145 1.500000000 0.54922071 0.80341257 0.051474456 15 exit 42
#> 171 0.711955303 0.93023350 0.88655051 0.045584015 18 static 42
#> 15 0.039315423 0.65296728 0.98326687 0.061601443 2 enter 43
#> 74 0.975818041 0.39861982 0.91833784 0.012901623 8 raw 43
#> 124 0.473137096 0.07041712 0.84763743 0.094791372 13 static 43
#> 135 0.897312507 0.74232618 0.85363587 0.040736135 14 exit 43
#> 172 0.711955303 0.93023350 0.88655051 0.045584015 18 raw 43
#> 16 0.511216418 0.65296728 0.98326687 0.061601443 2 enter 44
#> 75 1.237909020 0.39861982 0.91833784 0.012901623 8 exit 44
#> 125 0.473137096 0.07041712 0.84763743 0.094791372 13 raw 44
#> 136 1.500000000 0.74232618 0.85363587 0.040736135 14 exit 44
#> 173 1.105977651 0.93023350 0.88655051 0.045584015 18 exit 44
#> 17 0.578630846 0.65296728 0.98326687 0.061601443 2 static 45
#> 76 1.500000000 0.39861982 0.91833784 0.012901623 8 exit 45
#> 126 0.986568548 0.07041712 0.84763743 0.094791372 13 exit 45
#> 174 1.500000000 0.93023350 0.88655051 0.045584015 18 exit 45
#> 18 0.578630846 0.65296728 0.98326687 0.061601443 2 static 46
#> 127 1.500000000 0.07041712 0.84763743 0.094791372 13 exit 46
#> 19 0.578630846 0.65296728 0.98326687 0.061601443 2 static 47
#> 20 0.578630846 0.65296728 0.98326687 0.061601443 2 raw 48
#> 21 1.039315423 0.65296728 0.98326687 0.061601443 2 exit 49
#> 22 1.500000000 0.65296728 0.98326687 0.061601443 2 exit 50